My review on Mediterranea, the new movie by Jonas Carpignano, has been recently published in Migrados, a blog focused on the subject of migration coordinated by the journalist and editor Lola Hierro as part of Planeta Futuro/El País.
Mediterranea is one of the three movies that was selected for the LUX Prize by the European Parliament and the Spanish premiere was in Santiago de Compostela during Cineuropa, the European Film Festival in Galicia. The film was released in eight different European cities simultaneously: Brussels, París, Aarhus, Bratislava, Cork, Lisbon, Sevilla and Santiago de Compostela.
Read the full review here: http://blogs.elpais.com/migrados/2015/12/mediterranea-cine-participativo-y-pedagogico-para-las-masas.html
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