New exhibition at Enfocats 2016: opening of “El Efecto Instantáneo” in Barcelona
The past May 7th was the opening of El Efecto Instantáneo, a collective show by Cronica21 in Instagram, curated by Rafael Arocha and Jessica Murray. The show is part of Festival ENFOCATS and DOCfield>16 and you can see it in Centre Civic Pati Llimona from today until June 4th.
Crónica21 is an on-line multidisciplinary archive of documentary stories and analysis about the deepening economic, political and social crisis in Spain, from 2008 to the present. Inspired by the Farm Security Administration initiative, part of US President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal of the 1930s, our particular version is adapted to the European Union of the 21st Century.
Crónica21 has an account on Instagram and every 15 days since 2014, a new guest manages it offering its own instant interpretation of the world surrounding him/her. Instagram’s language uses a combination of image, text and #hashstags offering a dynamic record of the current lanscape and helps us raise a widespread question: “Where do we go now?”
Photographers who participate in the collective show: Almudena Torres, Àngel García, Arianna Giménez Beltrán, Carole Al Farah, Celeste Arroquy, Diego López Calvín, Endika Portillo, Francis Jiménez, Gianfranco Tripodo, Irene Laxmi, Flor Vacherand, José Colón, Nacho Álvarez, Laura Martínez Lombardia, Lourdes de Vicente, Mara Catalán, Marta Moreiras, Pedro Natalio, Pelu Vidal, Pepe Ortega, Peppino Molina, Rafael Arocha, Raquel Cortés, Sergi Escribano, Teo Vázquez, Toni Amengual i William Sands.
Curated by Jessica Murray and Rafael Arocha.
Iniciative de Al-liquindoi.
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