Finis Terre in Vialibre Foto Festival 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The multimedia Finis Terre, landscapes from the End of the World has been projected amongst other photographic works in Vialibre Foto Fest last Thursday 4th February 2016 in Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Vialibre Foto Fest was created by Matías Quintana, Isa Flores y Santiago Mele, who had the iniciative and organised this 1st edition of the festival.
Here you can see some images of the event.
Finis Terre, landscapes from the End of the World ha estado acompañado por otras piezas de los fotógrafos:
David Linuesa
Matias Quintana
Mingo Venero
Ramon Puiggené Rovirosa
La Skimal Photography
Lucía Paz
Jorge Perez Higuera
Santiago Mele
Ariel Arango
Damian Liviciche
Sofia Santaclara
Florencia Yaela
Belen Bejarano
Tamara Lopez Seoane
Laura Fernandez Izuzquiza
Rodrigo Ramos
Anna Totoro
Valeria Saccone
Agustina Tato
Dan Waisman
Mariela Sancani
You can check more details about the festival in the following link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/816880301768416/?fref=ts
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