Finis Terre exhibition at Centro Cultural Marcos Valcárcel in Ourense
The opening of the show was on the 11th June 2015. The show will be up in Centro Cultural Marcos Valcárcel in Ourense until the next 16th August 2015. The exhibition is an instalation of light boxes with a sound piece composed by Marc Bonet, a sound artist based in Zurich who collaborated with me on the previous exhibition of Finis Terre in 2012. Since then, Finis Terre has been shown in different art galleries and cultural centres of Galicia and Portugal.
Centro Cultural Marcos Valcárcel is part of Deputación de Ourense and it is based in Rúa do Progreso 30, in the centre of the city of Ourense.
You can visit the show until the next 16th August 2015.
Monday to Friday: 11h to 14h – 18h to 22h
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 18h a 21h
Contact: centrocultural@depourense.es
Telephone: 988 317 893 – 988 317 895
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