Crop Circles travels to Museu da Industria in Fortaleza, Brasil
My project on the Crop Circles takes part on a collective photography show that gathers the work of nine Galician photographers on the subject of landscape. The group exhibition offers nine different visions on our perception of landscape and territory under the title Territorios Expandidos. The collective show is part of the Festival 2015 Encontros de Agosto programme and the exhibition is hosted at Museu da Industria de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil.
The opening will be today, Friday December 11th at 7.30pm, and it will be up on the walls until the next 30th of January 2016.
TERRITÓRIO EXPANDIDO – Exposição coletiva de fotógrafos da Galícia.
Dia 11 de Dezembro, às 19h30.
Encontros de Agosto – de 8 a 13 de dezembro.
Local: Museu da Indústria
Mais informações: https://www.facebook.com/encontrosdeagosto/
Telefone: (85) 3261.0525
For more information, click on the link: http://museudaindustria-ce.org.br/
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