Video of the exhibition “El Efecto Instantáneo” by Crónica21, collective show where I participate in Barcelone
Art, Exhibitions, Festivals, Galicia, Journalism, Migration, New Galicians - Novos Galegos, Photography, Publications
Jessica Murray and Rafa Arocha explain El Efecto Instantáneo, a collective show where I have participated with my work and my vision on Spain’s crisis in Galicia, a region located in the Atlantic Coast, Nort West of the country. My work is displayed with the work of other group of photographers who have also contributed with their vision on Spanish’s crisis from different places throughout Spain.
This collective show is in Pati Llimona, a Cultural Centre in Barcelona, and you can visit it until the next 4th of June. The group exhibition shows the different perspectives that we have offered about the crisis in collaboration with Crónica21.
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